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SensorXpress® - Scalable, Simultaneous High-Speed RF Data Recording and Distribution Software

Extend Time-on-Target at the Widest Instantaneous Bandwidth
for Your Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) and RF Systems
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SensorXpress — The Most Innovative RF Data Storage & Distribution

High-Speed, Scalable, and Simultaneous Recording and Distribution
well over 100 Gbps in Formats Such as Raw I/Q and VITA 49

Radio Frequency (RF) analysis plays a key role in Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) as well as Electronic Warfare (EW) for situational awareness, precision targeting, troop protection, and electronic countermeasures. However, the RF analysis infrastructure is often overwhelmed with the massive volume of data generated by RF sensors. SensorXpress addresses these challenges by optimizing the performance of your current analysis applications, enabling simultaneous capture, storage, and distribution of RF data in a compact form factor.

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High-Speed RF Data Storage from Collectors

Extreme high-speed RF data ingest and storage solution for formats such as raw I/Q or VITA 49 from any RF collector or sensor.


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High-Speed Distribution to Analysis Applications

Simultaneous RF data storage and distribution to any number of analysis applications via multiple, independent analysis streams for real-time or selective on-demand analysis.

Customizable for Your Mission's Unique Needs

  • Monitor broader electromagnetic spectrum in real-time and extend time-on-target.
  • Record more spectrum for longer periods of time.
  • Collect and store more spectrum data for post-mission analytics during forward tactical operations.
  • Dense formfactor for disconnected or non-tethered operation during forward tactical missions. 

Use Cases


SensorXpress - Comprehensive Visibility

Simultaneous Ingest, Storage, and Distribution

Next Generation RF Data Collection and Management 

Maximize the capabilities and extend the useful life of your existing RF collection infrastructure:

  • Hardware, sensor, protocol, and frequency agnostic
  • Loss-less capture of all data for high-quality results from multiple sensors
  • Store massive amounts of RF signal data at speed and volume in SWaP form factors designed for the mission
  • Allow for controlled and repeatable signal data distribution to multiple analysis applications for real-time and in-depth analysis
  • Vendor agnostic to integrate seamlessly with your existing RF data analysis solutions

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Capabilities Beyond a Wideband Recorder

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Capture & Distribute Any Time-Series Data

Spectrum, sensor, analysis application, and vendor agnostic – enhancing your existing RF data analysis deployments.

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No-Loss Capture and Distribution at Any Speed

Simultaneously write-to-disk and read-from-disk for multiple data streams at over 100 Gbps lossless.

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Controlled and Repeatable Signal Data Distribution

Multiple data streams to multiple analysis applications – directly from disk at over 100 Gbps sustained.

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Configurable, High-Speed, and High-Volume Storage

Extensible data storage with an onboard capacity of over a petabyte in just a single 1U server.

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High-Density With Extreme Low Size, Weight, and Power

Configurable and optimized from mobile operations to static data center deployments on commercial-off-the-shelf hardware.

Axellio Xpress PlatformTM

Accelerate into the Data Fast Lane Using Axellio's XpressWay

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